[ Goats! ]

You’re really getting my goat!

Getting my goat?  What does that even mean….?

To most this idiom is an expression of anger or frustration ie. “Billy pulled my hair at school today and really got my goat!” For me, it is an exuberant exclamation of joy!  ie. It’s my birthday and Jim is really getting my goat!!!

He had to break down and tell me this evening, partly because he knows I hate surprises, but mostly because I was pouting about his lack of interest in said birthday.

Since we are still waiting for our house to sell ( did I mention we got an offer?) and the loan to finalize on the new house ( hello green acres!), I won’t be able to get the goat until July.  She is expected to arrive early July and purchase includes a future breeding so baby awesome can be baby making awesome.

I am beyond thrilled!!  For those of you wondering why anyone would want a goat….I leave you with this.

Now that you understand the level of cute… you can help me name her.  I am taking all suggestions.

Happy Blogging!


UPDATE: Meet Bailey and Buddy

layla and bialey Buddy Bailey

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